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About Warnars Chiropractic Clinic

Warnars Chiropractic Clinic team

Our Philosophy

At Warnars Chiropractic Clinic, we view chiropractic as a means to create healthy living. Working with the nervous system, in addition to the musculoskeletal system, we help stimulate healthy change in the body in various ways. We strive to provide a holistic approach to overall well-being, incorporating supportive therapies such as nutrition advice, massage therapy and decompression therapy.

We encourage people on the fence about chiropractic care to try it. Whatever your condition—even if you’ve gotten care from other kinds of doctors and it didn’t help—it’s still possible to feel better, function better and live better.

Our History

Dr. Warnars’ father originally opened the practice about a block away from our current location in 1986. We’ve been in this space since a few years later, and the current Dr. Warnars took over the practice in 2016.

Our atmosphere in the office has always been friendly and high-energy, with an honest way of communicating with patients. Dr. Warnars was greatly influenced by his father, who showed him how to care about someone he’s just met, and sincerely want to help them create their best health and life.

Happy Surprises

Many of our patients come to us skeptical, but willing to try chiropractic as a last resort. We’re always delighted at their surprise when chiropractic not only takes care of the problem, but also helps them feel better in other ways. We love working with patients to get results they didn’t even dream were possible, either for themselves or for their children.

As chiropractors, our knowledge of the body is not limited to the spine—we are experts in human anatomy and physiology, and the goal of chiropractic adjustments is to remove interference in the nervous system that causes pain and dysfunction.

So even though you may initially seek our care for neck or back pain, the holistic care we provide can improve your overall health and well-being and let you live the life you want to live.

Start Today

Contact us today to book your first appointment.

About Warnars Chiropractic Clinic | (810) 724-0996